After a fun day of games, food, and prizes we wrap up a great year. Thank you Wildcats for a wonderful year. Have a fun and safe summer. #gowildcats
Last day of school today. Summer School starts Monday, June 6th. Have a wonderful summer.
There is no school, Monday May 30th.
What a beautiful day for our family picnic. What a great turn out.
After School program will resume today. Students who are enrolled will be instructed to stay for the program.
FRIDAY, MAY 13th come on over and have lunch with your Wildcat on campus during their lunch time.
K - 2nd: 10:50am to 11:30
3rd - 5th: 11:30 to 12:10
6th - 8th: 12:15 to 1pm
We love seeing our families at Open House.
Open house will be Tuesday, May 10th from 6:00-7:00.
There will be NO after school program today and until further notice. We are short staff, as soon as we are able to get subs we will resume after school.
Thank you for your understanding.
Mental Health Awareness week is May 9th-13th. We will be having dress up days and fun activities all week long during lunches.
All Summer School applications need to be turned in by tomorrow, April 26th. If you're interested in having your child attend, turn the application in to the front office.
As a result of increased social media posts involving photos of students on campus including photographs from bathrooms, classrooms, hallways, etc, we are implementing new Cell phone Protocols for students effective 3/18/22.
Policy for students who choose to bring personal cell phones/devices to school:
1. Phones must be turned OFF or on SILENT (no vibrations/flashing lights).
2. Phones must be stored in a non-transparent (like a backpack), zippered compartment of a bag that is not attached to any type of clothing. Phones may NOT be stored in pockets or any article of clothing.
3. Phones, headphones, earbuds, personal speakers, personal music, and other devices should not be seen or heard during the school day (7:30-2:30). This includes class time, lunch time, and on the bus.
4. Violations of any part of this policy will result in:
i. First offense is a warning.
ii. Device confiscation by school staff for the remainder of the day and a phone call home.
iii. Students will not be allowed to bring any personal devices to campus unless they are turned into the office every day during the duration of school hours.
Thank you for your understanding in this matter and for helping us to guard your child's privacy while at Semitropic.
We hope you all had a wonderful Spring Break. We will see all of our Wildcats back on Monday, April 18th.
Such a wonderful way to start Spring Break for our students and families. We enjoyed the Color Run with everyone who came out.
Thursday, March 31st we will be having our 3rd quarter Honor Assembly. K-4th grade will start at 8:30. 5th grade-8th grade assembly will start at 9:40. Parents are welcome to attend. Please check in at the front office prior to heading to the cafeteria for the assembly.
Wildcat Day today for those students who had fewer than 2 absences in February. Great weather and lots of fun was enjoyed by all involved. #gowildcats
Tomorrow is a staff development day. There will be no school. We look forward to seeing all of our Wildcats back on campus on Tuesday.
Congratulations to our February ROAR students of the month. #gowildcats
Teachers spending time during their PLC doing a Data Dive in Math with Mrs. Long from KCSOS. #gowildcats @KcsosStrong @MLLongkcsos
TK and Kindergarten registration begins Monday, March 7th. If you want to enroll your child at Semitropic come by and pick up a registration packet.