Join Virtual Bingo Night TONIGHT!! Prizes for winners Join through the following Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 450 998 0010 Passcode: Wildcat
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Bingo Night
Family Bingo night is Wednesday at 6:00. Join us for a few fun games of Bingo from the comfort of your home. There will be prizes to give away to winners who attend. The link to join will be sent out on Wednesday.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Bingo Night
Our students are doing a fabulous job working through our Mathematical Focus. #numbertalks #gowildcats
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Number Talks with KCSOS
Number Talk  Learning Walk
Number Talks Learning Walks
Bus #11, Mr. Sal's bus, was enroute to the stops this morning when it got a flat tire. There will be no bus #11 for the morning. Please drop your students off at school. There will be a bus #11 in the afternoon. Thank you
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
No School Monday, September 6th.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Labor Day
Teachers working with KCSOS, Mrs. Long, to refine their Number Talk strategy in the classroom. #gowildcats @KcsosStrong
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Number Talks workshop 9.1.21
Number Talks with KCSOS
This infographic is meant to help simplify the various scenarios around the California Department of Public Health's Quarantine Guidelines. The complete state guidance can be found at:
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Quarantine Guidelines
Hello families, As our school year continues to pick up speed, we want to remind you all at home to do a health screen on your child before sending them to school. If you child does not feel well in the morning, please take temperature. If child temperature is 101.4 or higher, please keep them home. If child has been in close contact (less than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes) with someone who has tested positive for COVID, please keep them home. Notify the school of any absences. We know allergy and cold seasons are upon us and some students will need to stay home. Please communicate with the office to ensure there is no lost instruction. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our campus safe.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Today is an early out. Students will be dismissed at 1:15.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Min. day out at 1:15
We have made a few adjustments to our bus #33 and bus #44 pick up schedule. All stops will be 10 minutes earlier starting Monday.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Bus schedule update
Bus Schedule update
New T-Shirts are now on sale in the front office. Shirts are on sale starting at $10. Get yours while supplies last. #gowildcats
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
TShirt 2021
Our bus #33 is having mechanical issues this morning and we will not be able to pick up students on this route. If your child rides bus #33 with Mr. Sal, please make other arrangements to get them to school. We should be back to normal operations tomorrow. Again this is Sal's bus route, bus #33 only. Thank you
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Bus #33
Check out our new mobile app
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Mobile App
First day of school tomorrow. Can't wait to see all of our Wildcats on campus.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Wednesday, August 11th!
Congratulations and thank you to Mrs. Fields, for her 25 years of service to Semitropic School District. So very proud of the work she does with our students every year. #gowildcats
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
25 years of service
This year's bus schedule
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Bus Schedule for 2021-2022
With the tragedy of this past weekend in Wasco, we want to make sure you all have a process for dealing with how it has affected you. Please know Community Counseling Services are available. If you need more information, please call the school.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
CCS flyer
Bet you can't guess what project we have going on now...that's right we have started putting up the iron fencing that will allow us to finally become a closed campus. So excited!! #gowildcats
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Starting the iron fencing
Excited to see our shade structure going up. I look forward to our students enjoying the shade this school year.
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Shade Structure
We look forward to seeing all of our students back on campus on August 11th. Parents, keep an eye out for informational paperwork being sent home in the next few days. Enjoy the rest of your summer!! #gowildcats
over 3 years ago, Bethany Ferguson
Back to School 2021-22